USAID - Foreign Service Officers (FSO) / Development Leadership Initiative (DLI) Program

Human Capital Management, Analysis, Consulting and Administrative Support Services. TPA was contracted to provide USAID with the management capability to effectively deliver U.S. foreign assistance and to increase its local and overseas presence under the Foreign Service Officers (FSO) / Development Leadership Initiative (DLI) program. To this end, TPA designed a hiring strategy to accomplish the goal of accelerating the hiring of Foreign Officers for USAID FSO/DLI program and developed a Human Capital Plan to meet the strategic and operational workforce needs. The result/accomplishments of TPA’s support to USAID:

At the end of this contract, approximately 1,540 new FSOs were identified, interviewed, selected and pre-cleared for employment in the USAID Foreign Service. In compliance with USAID’s standard practice to interview 3 to 5 applicants for each open position; TPA provided provide administrative support services to process up to 6,500 JO interview candidates for job openings across a wide range of technical and generalist occupational areas (Backstops (BSs).

TPA provided oversight, travel and per diem, administrative and escort support to over 6500 prospective candidates shortlisted for the recruitment process.  Candidates were drawn from all parts of the world and travel/logistical arrangements we made which included, flight schedule, hotel accommodation, per diem, local and international transportation and escort support. TPA organized 420 total recruitment interview selection panels, written tests sessions and discussions panels in FY 08, 1,110 in FY 09, 1,750 in FY 10, 1,750 in FY 11 and 1,300 in FY 12). This facilitated TPA meeting the planned and targeted number of new hires under this program months ahead of schedule. TPA provided planning and management, monitoring, guidance and direction for travel and per diem in accordance with Federal Government Regulations. Furthermore we provided coordination of assessment process, ensuring quality control and integrity of the assessment process. TPA provided space which was less than one (1) block away from USAID Ronald Reagan Building to facilitate recruitment interviews where 1,540 new FSOs were processed, interviewed, selected, security clearance processed and orientation and deployment processed. This facility also provided access and venue for USAID personnel to have meetings and conferences in our convenient, comfortable and spacious offices, and meeting rooms.

Justin Gilman